Zhiwei Wei(Video)
Xinyi Zhang(Video)
Yi Chen(Music)
Tutor: Yinan Zhang, Jie Wu
11 - 12. 2016
The music "Natural" was created by our partner Yi Chen from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. From the sound of temple bell and birds to the splash of rain, this music brings us many fantasies and pleasures.
Because of the classical charm of the music we decided to use the Chinese ink painting style with the abstract geometric expression as the visual style of our video. In Chinese aesthetics, "circle" symbolizes a pristine, nebulous atmosphere. It is often used, such as the round windows in Suzhou Gardens. So we tried to use circular and square frames simultaneously in the video.


Real Shot + 3D Rendering + 2D Composition
After determining the storyboard, we used three methods to make the video. Real Shot was the main method. We tried and filmed various forms of ink: how the ink runs on the Xuan paper or how it slowly expands in the water. Finally, we chose suitable footages and made compositions in After Effects. Such scenes, which cannot be filmed with a camera, were made in 3D software.

Keyframe ● Round

Keyframe ● Square


Motion Graphics Award of The 2nd Think - Youth Shanghai International Digital Creation, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition
Life Geek Exhibition